Faculty Staff Medical Services

博彩平台推荐 Faculty/Staff Treatment Protocols

希望为博彩平台推荐员工提供一个方便的医疗保健来源,以解决急性护理问题, 卫生服务将每天为教职员工提供有限数量的预约. 有两种类型的预约:A)护士的预约,比如生命体征检查, vaccinations, 结核病皮肤测试和B)对喉咙痛等急性疾病的医生预约, bronchitis, UTI.

  • 治疗将只提供给现任博彩平台推荐教职员工(不包括家庭或退休人员)。
  • 每天的预约时间有限,以免影响学生及时预约. 如果需要学生指定的预约时段增加, 然后教职员工的任命名额将相应减少
  • Only episodic, acute care treatment will be offered. 慢性疾病不会得到治疗,护理也不会取代患者从初级保健提供者(PCP)那里获得持续护理的需要。. 心理健康治疗或妇科服务将不会通过卫生服务提供给教职员工.
  • The cost for a provider visit will be $50. The cost for a nurse visit will be $35. 除了支付任何测试或医疗设备的费用外,所有患者都将负责. 错过预约的费用(预约在预约前至少2小时未取消)为$35
  • Since Health Services currently does not file insurance, 教职员工患者需要在服务时付费. 如果他们希望提交他们的保险,一份详细的账单将给他们的要求
  • 药物可以在健康服务药房购买,如果它是博彩平台推荐当前库存的一部分, but special orders will not be made. 对于博彩平台推荐没有携带的任何药物,博彩平台推荐将提供书面处方. 博彩平台推荐也不会开/配发规定的药物(如麻醉剂、镇静剂、兴奋剂等).) or psychiatric medications.

More information under the frequently asked questions tab.

Who can seek treatment at 博彩平台推荐 Health Services?

  • Students: 已支付$101健康费或选择支付$101健康费的在校学生. 学生雇员将被视为学生,必须支付学生健康费用才能在健康服务中心看到
  • Faculty/Staff: Current employees of 博彩平台推荐. 健康服务将不治疗退休人员或家属的教职员工

How are appointments made?

  • 预约可以在服务的前一天或当天进行,直到指定数量的教职员工预约时段被填满为止. 如果当天晚些时候有学生指定的时段没有被填满, then these may become available as well.
  • Call 678-839-6452 to check for appointment availability.


  • Acute illnesses such as upper respiratory infections, sore throats, urinary tract infections, gastroenteritis, minor musculoskeletal injuries.
  • 那些需要基本体检的人(不需要血液检查)
  • Nurse Visits: Hepatitis B titers, 免疫接种(目前每周接种一次的COVID疫苗除外), blood pressure checks, PPD安置(药物的额外费用-按成本计算)
  • 慢性疾病如糖尿病、高血压、甲状腺疾病、心脏病等. will not be treated. (短暂的“过桥”补充药物可由医生自行决定, depending on the type of drug, until you can get into see your family doctor). Gynecological care will not be provided.
  • 因为卫生服务处不是官方抽血站, 博彩平台推荐不能从医生办公室以外的地方抽血.
  • Note: 与公司有关的任何伤害仍需遵循人力资源办公室现行的规程,不在博彩平台推荐保健服务部门治疗

Will follow up be done at Health Services?

  • No. 在健康服务部门看到的情况需要与你的家庭医生进行跟进.
  • If an urgent condition is discovered, 你的家庭医生会被通知,或者你会被转到坦纳急诊室.
  • If a specialist is needed, a referral will be provided.

What kind of medications will not be prescribed?

  • 没有处方或补充“预定”药物,如抗焦虑药物(阿普唑仑), Ativan, Klonopin, etc), sleep medications (Ambien, Lunesta, etc), opioid pain medications (Hydrocodone, oxycodone, tramadol, etc) will be given.
  • No psychiatric medications will be prescribed.

Can medications be purchased at the Health Services pharmacy?

  • If the pharmacy 携带处方药物,然后你可以在药房按处方配药.
  • Prices usually are between $5-$10.
  • 如果药房没有提供所需的药物,或者如果您希望在您的药房填写药物, the provider can write a prescription
  • The pharmacy does not file insurance.

How much does it cost to be seen?

  • 看医生治疗急症或体检的费用为50美元. This does not include the cost of any tests (see below), medications or medical devices, such as splints.
  • 去看护士(抽血、检查生命体征、放置PPD等).), will cost $35.
    We do not file insurance, so payment will be expected at the time of service, but we do accept credit cards, HSA cards, checks, and cash.
  • 如果你想看看你是否可以通过你的保险公司收回你的费用, 博彩平台推荐将为您提供一份账单的明细副本,以便您向保险公司存档.

What happens if I miss my appointment?

  • 在预约前至少两小时未取消预约,将收取35美元的费用.

What tests can I get done at Health Services? How much do they cost?

  • Flu - $20
  • Glucose - $5
  • Hemoglobin - $15
  • Mono - $15
  • Pregnancy - $5
  • Strep - $15
  • Urinalysis - $5
  • Rapid COVID19 - $10 for faculty/staff
    (Prices are accurate as of 8/1/22)


  • I.V. Fluids: $50
  • Suturing of Laceration: $50
  • Ingrown Toenail Removal: $40
  • Freezing of Warts: $20
  • Lancing of Abscess: $40

Does the clinic have X-ray or ultrasound capabilities?

  • Currently, Health Services does not offer these services.
  • 如果博彩平台推荐提供者认为有必要,他/她可以自行决定是否进行门诊研究.

Will Mental Health/Advocacy be offered?



在博彩平台推荐健康中心和药房接受医疗保健服务的患者享有乔治亚州法律和联邦隐私法授予的某些隐私权,该法保护患者教育记录的隐私,称为《博彩平台推荐》(FERPA).  本通知的目的是向您保证健康中心遵守这些法律,并根据博彩平台推荐的政策向您提供有关保密保护的信息.